Queensbury Academy   1 (32)



How to report an absence

Important Announcement - Sep 2024

We are currently experiencing an unexpected error with the Bromcom 'My Child At School' app for reporting child absences. As a result, this function has been temporarily disabled. 

To make it easier to report your child's absence, we have introduced a new attendance email, in addition to the existing option of calling the school in the usual way.

For more information visit our attendance page - 

Attendance - Queensbury Academy

How To Report Absence Years 7-11

If you know your son or daughter is going to be absent, please use one of the following methods to inform us:

  • Option 1 - Call the Attendance Line by 8:35am each morning of your child's absence.

01582 601241


  • Option 2 - Contact the Attendance Team via email.


If leaving a telephone or email message, please include the following information:

  • The name, form and year group of your child.
  • Your name and contact details.
  • Reason for absence.

Please inform us daily for any absences.

Please do not report any absences through the admin email or Reception or your tutor.

If your son or daughter is absent from school and we have not received notification we will endeavour to contact you. If we are unable to make contact with you for three consecutive days we may undertake a home visit, contact social services or the Police in order to ensure your child is safe. Good communication between home and school prevents unnecessary worry and work for all of us.


Please Remember

The school day begins at 8.35am, all students should attend tutor lineup at this time.